PATRIXX: The Legacy.

Warm gleaming skin stretches across its long, soft, and pointy head.  Two eyes stare into the distance yearning for a better understanding of the world.  A smile stretches across it's face.  The smile looks friendly at first glance but deeper inspection shows a history of violation and being violated.  It's warming supple lips open and words leak from his mouth.  What he says is indeterminable but you know what he is implying.  He reaches into his pants and reveals a long, hard, gleaming machete.  He takes it and raises it above his head.  The heavens begin to open as a torrent of chicken nuggets comes raining down vanquishing his enemies.  He watches from his mountain perch and identifiable words come from his mouth.  "LOLOLOLO PATRIXX PWNED" he says and turns his back to the fiery nugget blaze he has created.  Dawning his KKK robes and Nazi insignia PATRIXX boards his interdimensial burger.  He beams into the sky leaving the husk of a planet he once knew.  Before leaving the world to its fiery and horrendous fate PATRIXX utters the words "SKELETON POPPIN OWT LOLOLOLOLO DEAD".  He then revs his burger and abandons Earth forever.